Wednesday, 22 June 2011

AKB Ranking

It's been a long time since I've done a ranking and I thought, with all the spare time I've got recently now would be the perfect time to do one. I'd forgotten how amazingly hard this is though...I love all the girls well most.So it was really hard to make some of these choices with some of the girls ranked a lot lower than I thought they would. I mean Aamin that low? Wows. I guess I just love the girls above her more. I'm sure this ranking will be almost completely different in like a week or so, but here's my general ranking so you can get to know my tastes a bit better:

If you want me to explain any of the rankings I've given, feel free to comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Omg your 1~5 ranking is exactly the same as mine XD (well Sae and Sayaka are equivalent in mine, but I feel I end up giving more attention to Sae somehow XD) and a LOT of your rank girls are in similiar ranks in mine! :3

    I'm totally loving your blog more and more XD
